
Revelation 17:1-18:24

Key Verse: 18:20


Rejoice over her, you heavens! Rejoice, you people of God! Rejoice, apostles and prophets! For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.


  1. Who does the great prostitute represent and what is her destiny (17:1,5,18)? What is her crime (2)? How is she described (3-5)? Why was John greatly astonished (6)?

  1. How did the angel explain the meaning of the woman and the beast (7-8,18)? Who does the beast represent, and what is its destiny? What are the seven heads and ten horns (9-12)? What is essential in understanding this revelation (9a; 13:18)?

3. What conflict arises, who wins, and why is the Lamb triumphant (13-14)? Who shares in his triumph? Who do the waters represent (15)? What finally happens to the prostitute (16-18)? How has God been accomplishing his purpose?

4. What will happen to Babylon and why (18:1-3)? In the time of judgment against Babylon, what should God’s people do (4)? Who judges Babylon and why (5-8)?

5. What repeated words can you find in verses 9-19? How do earthly powers respond to the fall of Babylon? In contrast, how should God’s people respond (20)? How did the mighty angel demonstrate Babylon’s final doom (21-24)?

6. What are the nature and characteristics of Babylon, and how can it be identified in history and in our times? What do you learn about God who judges Babylon?