Great and Marvelous Are Your Deeds


Revelation 15:1-16:21

Key Verse: 15:3 “…and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb: ‘Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations.’”

             From Rev Ch6, we have studied the vision of God’s judgments upon the earth. It had begun with the seven seals judgments, followed by the seven trumpets judgments. In the seals judgments one-fourth of the earth is destroyed, and then in the trumpets one-third of the earth is destroy, including mankind. Now, today we will study the seven bowls judgments called by the seventh trumpet. These are last judgments, because with them God’s wrath is completed. What do you expect to learn from these God’s judgments that will totally destroy the earth along with all inhabitants of the earth? In the midst of God’s severe judgments, we can learn the song of the victors who come out the great tribulation by overcoming the beast; we can find God’s great and marvelous deeds that reveal His divine love and righteousness. From Jesus’ words for His people, we may learn how to be victorious in the end time.  

First, the Song of the victors (15:1-8)  

            Ch 11 ends with the vision that God’s temple in heave was opened at the seventh trumpet sound. In Ch12 to Ch14, we learned the back-story of the spiritual warfare between God and the Devil. Especially we had learned how the devil wages war against God’s holy people through its beasts: the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. Now in ch15-16, we are going to learn about the outcome of the seventh trumpet.   

            Look at verse 1. “I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues – last, because with them God’s wrath is completed.” Have you ever been sick with flue? When we are in pain or suffering, a minute can feel like hours. We wonder if it will ever end.  Since God’s wrath began in Ch6, it seems that it goes on and on without end. But there will be an end. God’s wrath will be completed through the seven last plagues – the seven bowls of God’s wrath. It does not mean just stopping pain or suffering. God’s wrath will be completed.  “Completed” means to fulfill God’s plan to judge All His enemies completely and also to save All His people without missing even one.  

            What might be at the end of God’ wrath? How would these spiritual warfare end? That is what John saw in this passage. Look at verves 2-3. John saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and standing beside the sea those who had been victorious over the beat and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb. Can you imagine this? In Ch13, the beasts were so powerful that the whole world was filled with wonder, followed them and worshipped them. It performed great signs and deceived people to receive the number of its name. I wondered if there is anyone who survive or overcome such powerful beasts. There will be great multitude of people who have been victorious over all enemies of God. They triumphed over the beast by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (12:11). They held onto gospel truth and lived by the truth to the point of death. In reality, they might be martyrs who were killed because of their faith. However, they are not losers; nor defeated. Rather, they are truly victors in God who come out of the great tribulation by the power of the blood of Lamb.

             What did they do by the sea? They praised, worshipped and glorified God through singing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. It was not a new song, but old one. What is about the song of Moses and of the Lamb? It is the song of victory. It is about the deliverance of God’s people from their enemies; it is about the redemption of God’s people through sacrifices of the Lamb. 

             Look at verses 3b- 4. It tells the contents of the song – About what they praise God. First of all, God’s victorious people praised God for his great and marvelous deeds: his glorious acts of salvation and judgment, saying “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty.” The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for a long time. It was impossible to free themselves by their own effort. However, God set them free by his mighty power. 

But after they left Egypt, Pharaoh pursued them with his army. The Israelis were stuck between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. Then, Moses said to them, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again; the LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Ex 14:13-14). God divided the Red Sea, and they crossed the Sea on the dry ground. However, when the Egyptians tried to do so, the Lord swept them into the sea. The entire army was all drowned. That day, they saw the mighty hand of God, standing by the Sea. Just like the Israelites, the victors saw the mighty hand of God which delivered them from the hand of enemies through his righteous judgment. Only God could do such things because he is the Lord God Almighty.

             Also, just as God delivered the Israelites from the power of Pharaoh by the blood of the lamb, God delivered his people from Satan. God sent his one and only Son Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. By the blood of Jesus, God has redeemed them from the bondage of sin and gave them the new life to serve God without fear throughout their lives. Through the blood of Jesus, they became more than conquerors, but the heirs of God, co-heirs with Christ Jesus. What great and marvelous deeds God has done for His people.    

            Secondly, they praised God for His ways are Just and true. (3b). God’s way is always right. No falsehood, lie, or favoritism can be found in him. Jesus as the king of the nation is just and true and perfect. Do you know that God’s people were rejected because of Jesus’ teaching; they were persecuted because of Jesus’ way of life; they were outcasted and even killed because of their faith in Jesus. Then, why did they praise about this ‘Just and True are your ways”? It is because they were saved by Jesus’ words of life. Here, they came into presence of God because Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. While they were in the world, they were ridiculed for their life of faith. They lived such humble life, denying themselves and following Jesus’ life of serving. However, they became eternal victors in God Almighty through Jesus. Is there any better reason to praise the Lord? Jesus is the way, and the truth and the life. His ways are just and true.            

Thirdly, they call on everyone to fear God and bring glory to His name. Look at verse 4.  “Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” When the people of Jericho heard the great and marvelous deeds of God for Israelites, their hearts melted in fear. Rahab acknowledged God and praised him, saying “The Lord your Go is God in heaven above and on the earth below.” (Jo2:11) When we heard of what God has done through M. Joseph Lee and Grace Park, we cannot but praise and give glory to God! When we hear of what God has done for Sh. David, we come to fear God and praise God! When we hear how Jesus had loved a tax collector until he changed into a great man of God, we cannot but fear God and give glory to God!   

            What great and marvelous deeds of God can you sing? As the bishop of Smyrna, Polycarp was imprisoned around 155 AD for his faith in Jesus. In the face of martyrdom, he testified, “I have served him for 86 years and he has never done me any harm; how could I laugh at my King and Saviour?… You threaten me with a fire that burns only for an hour, that goes out after a short time; for you do not know the fire of coming judgement and eternal punishment for the wicked…” Many of early Christians were thrown into the arena in front of the mocking crowd and the snarling animals. Did they complain? No. Instead, until theirmartyrdom, they sang the joyful praises of the Lamb as victors! Reminding of God’s love and grace, we may praise His great and marvelous deeds for us. Some misunderstand that God’s judgments are just to reveal His righteousness and His Power over the world. However, God’s primary purpose of Judgments is to save His people from the evil by judging the evil completely.

 Second, true and just are your judgments (15:5-16:21).

            In this passage, we can see the contrast between the victors in previous passage and those who come under the judgment of God’s wrath. The victors will praise and worship God in the presence God Almighty. What about the others? All they will suffer under God’s wraths, curse God, refuse to repent, and then face the complete destruction. They will experience the full wrath of God in the end.

             Look at 15:5-8. John saw the temple in Heaven. It was opened and out of the temple came seven angels with the seven plagues. The Temple was the place where God wanted to meet people and give them his grace of forgiveness. But in the end time, the time of God’s grace will be over. From the temple, God’s wrath will come because all people have rejected God’s grace. Then, the time of final God’s Judgment begins.

              Look at verse Ch16:1. God commanded the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.” God has been patient with sinful humanity for so long. He has sent his servants, prophets again and again, but they did not repent of their sins. Rather, they killed the prophets. Eventually God sent his one and only son. Still, they rejected him and killed him on a cross. Now God’s judgment comes upon people, not because God is cruel nor merciless, but because His people rejected him.            

Look at verses 2-4. The first bowl was poured out on the land, and caused ugly, festering sores to break out on those who worshiped the beast (2). At that time, there will be no one worship God. Worshipping the beast and his image, people completely lost the image of God. Though they take great care of their appearance with Botox and plastic surgery, they cannot hide ugly, festering sores. The second bowl was poured out on the sea, and it turned into blood and every living thing in the sea died (3). It actually destroy whole earth –ecosystem. The third bowl was poured out on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood (4).  As a result, there will be no more drinking water on the earth. Neither human beings nor any other creature can survive on the earth. It simply means about the destruction of almost all people and creatures on earth.

 So, what do you think about God’s judgment? Is it too horrible or harsh? Is it necessary to do so? Let’s listen what the angel of God say! Look at verses 5b-7. “You are just in these judgments, O Holy One, you who are and who were; for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.” It is not too much nor too harsh at all. These judgments are what they deserve for their wickedness and sinfulness. It is God’s true and just judgments.(7) Sin never goes unpunished. Unbelieving people actually invite the wrath of God because they suppressed the truth of God and rebelled against God’s invitation through his son Jesus.

             The fourth bowl was poured out on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire (8). The sun is essential for life on earth and a great blessing from God when it is tempered by atmospheric constraints. Actually we are witnessing what would happen if the sun were allowed to heat up the earth just a little bit more as “Global Warming.” This results in unusual heavy rainfall, hotter summers, or bigger and more frequent hurricanes, typhoons or tornados. But at that time, the earth will be like a furnace. Who will survive in this hot furnace? Then, the fifth bowl was poured out on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness (10a). This is like a plague of the darkness in Moses’ time in Egypt. This is a strategic attack against the beast’s headquarters. Though the beast and its kingdom had seemed powerful, they could not stand before God’s wrath.  

              How would you respond when your teacher or parents rebuke your wrong doings? No one curse its teachers or parents. Usually we will admit and repent of our wrongs, and then ask for forgiveness. But, look how the people respond to God’s judgments. They cursed God because of their pains and their sores. They did not think about all terrible and wicked sins they had committed; they did not think how terribly they mistreated Jesus, the son of God and how they rebelled against God. Rather, they think only about their pain, their loss, and themselves. They hardened their hearts, blasphemed God and refused to repent of their sins. This shows how their hearts had been corrupted and depraved by sin. It is never easy to truly repent of our sins. It is painful and hurts my pride and makes me humble. However, “Repentance” and “Humility” are the proper attitudes we should have as sinners. David, the king of Israel, could come to God with a lot of sacrifices and offerings. He knew that that was not what God truly desired from man. Instead, he came and offered his broken and contrite hearts. God blessed him and revived him with new spirit and new heart. In Psalm 51:16-17, David testified, “You do not delight in sacrifice or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in the burnt offering. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” God is pleased with the heart that acknowledges and repents of its sins sincerely. God never despise or ignore such hearts. Rather, he will revive such hearts with the new spirit and new heart. What is truly dangerous is a hardened heart filled with pride, selfishness, and self-righteousness, so that it feels no shame, guilt, or compassion.  

In fact No one wants to be here when God’s wrath are poured out. The good news is that you do not have to be here because Jesus Christ died for you and he is standing at the door of your hearts. Anyone who opens his heart and welcomes  him as the Lamb of God, Jesus will wash away all their sins and clothe them with his righteousness. They will become victors / overcomers by the power of the blood of Jesus. They will sing together with others the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. We may come to God with repentance and humility. In the end times, we must guard our hearts. Otherwise, our hearts will become like stone – corrupted and depraved by sin.

             Look at verses 12-16. The sixth bowl prepares the way for the final battle between God and the enemies of God at a place called “Armageddon” (12-16). Three impure spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. They will go out to the kings of the whole world and deceive them into gathering to fight against God. Under their influence, kings of the earth think they can win the battle. In fact, they seem to be a powerful, and irresistible force. They might shout together “For victory!” “Onward to victory!” However, the day will be the great day of God Almighty because God will defeat them totally and completely. Jesus will win the final war against the kings of the world. We will learn this in Ch19.   

             Let us read verse 15. “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.” Jesus wants God’s Holy people to be with His at the great day of God, the great day of victory. (17:14)   Here, Jesus gives the words of life what God’s people should hold to be victorious till the great days of God. “I will come like a thief.” Jesus will come suddenly and unexpectedly with God’s vast, powerful army. This will be a day of victory for him and his people. How can we be blessed on that day? “Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

  Firstly, we must stay awake. We are in a spiritual battle; we are surrounded by false promises, false truth, false prophets. Not to be deceived by the demonic spirits of the world, we need to stay awake spiritually. Taking easy, being spiritually asleep by not studying the Bible, or not praying faithfully, or not putting the word of God into practice, we cannot but fall into temptation and sins. One of the best way to be awake is to gather DB faithfully, and sincerely, for the word of God will inspire us and empower us to stay awake. Last week M. Joseph Ahn visited us and shared his wonderful testimony. For the last over 40 years, he faithfully gathered and shared his daily bread with world mission co-workers, especially with next generations. He is still serving God’s world mission and campus mission actively more than any others. Through Daily Bread, he has recruited World Mission Co-workers from many nations.

 Secondly, we should also remain clothed with Christ. As Jesus counseled the church in Laodicea, we should wear white clothes that Jesus gives us so that we can cover our shameful nakedness (3:18).  Through the blood  of Jesus, our dirty clothes have been clean. We are clothed with a new garment, with a new identity as a holy royal priest, as a people of God, as shepherd and bible teachers. However, we are tempted to wear New Fashionable clothes according to pattern of the world such as genderism, humanism, individualism, evolutionism, pragmatism.”Remain Clothed” means to live out our faith in Jesus; live as a royal priesthood and his holy people in obedience to the word of Jesus. Let us stay awake and keep our spiritual robes, our identity by faithfully carrying out God’s world mission command.

  The seventh bowl is the final destruction of the whole world. It is the end of history. When the seventh bowl was poured out into the air, a loud voice from the throne said, “It is done!” (17) God’s judgment is now fully accomplished. Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and the most catastrophic earthquake in history (18). As a consequence, the great city split into three parts and the cities of the nations collapsed, even Babylon the Great (19). Every island fled away, and mountains could not be found (20). Huge hailstones from the sky, each weighing 100 pounds, fell on people. Still, people hardened their hearts and refused to repent. Rather, they cursed God (21).

  In this passage we learn about God’s final judgment. It has been completed. This final Judgment reveals God’s righteousness and God’s love for sinners. This judgment is to save God’s people through His judgments. God has saved all His people, 144,000, complete Number, not missing even one person. In this end time, We may stay awake through intensive Bible Studies, and gathering DB faithfully. We may remain clothed with Christ Jesus through repentance of our sins and through practicing one word of God, “You give them something to eat” “Seek first his righteousness” “Feed my sheep.” In Christ, we may take off our old self with its practices, but have put on the new self, which is being renewed in the image of God. We may praise God who has done great and marvelous things for us.