Hebrews 10:19 – 11:40

Key verse 10:23


* Persevere So That You Will Receive God’ Promise (10:19-39)


  1. How does the new and living way differ from the way of the old covenant? (9:14,15; Jn 14:6)  To what does the author urge us regarding the confidence through the blood of Jesus? (19-25)  What consequence does deliberate sin have? (26-31)  Why should they remember their early struggle of victory? (32-34)  Which spiritual direction does the author give the believers? (35-39)

* Faith That Pleases God And Overcomes The World (11:1-40)


  1. What is the nature and foundation of faith? (1-3)  Which faith did Abel, Enoch and Noah testify? (4-6)  How did Abraham and Sarah testify their faith and which blessing did they receive by their faith? (8-12; 17-19; Gen 22:17,18; Gal 3:16)  What kind of faith did Isaac, Jacob and Joseph pass on to their descendants? (20-22; Gen 50:24-26)  How can we learn God-pleasing faith?


  1. How did Moses’ parents live by faith? (23; Ex 2:2; Ac 7:20)  What decision of faith did Moses make, when he had grown up? (24-25)  What was Moses‘ value view? (26)  In what way does Moses testify his faith? (27)  What does it mean that Moses kept the Passover? (28)  What is your decision of faith?


  1. How did the Israelites testify their faith? (29,30; Ex 14:10-14; Jos 6:12-20)  How was Rahab a woman of faith? (31; Jos 2:1,9-13; 6:22-25; Mt 1:5)  Why were the people in verses 32-38 those, of whom the world was not worthy? (Jdg 7:19-21; 4:14,15; 16:28-30; 11:29-33; 1Sa 17:45-49; 1Sa 7:10-11; Dan 3:16-18; 6:21-22; 1Ki 17:17-24; 2Ki 4:18-37)  Which commendation did they receive and which special blessing have we received? (39,40)