Hebrews 9:1 – 10:18
Key verse 9:12
* Perfect Redemption Through Christ’s Offering (9:1-28)
According to the first covenant, how was the earthly sanctuary set up? Which task did the high priest have? Why does the golden altar of incense now stand in the Most Holy Place? What were the limitations of the blood of the old covenant? (6-10; 7:11,19) How did Christ remove the limitations? Which power does the blood of Christ have? (11-14; Lk 1:74,75)
What does it mean that Christ has become the mediator of the new covenant? (15) What does being in force of a will for cleansing and forgiveness require? What does it mean that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness? (16-22; Ex 24:3-8; Lev 17:11) Why were better sacrifices necessary for the heavenly things”? (23)
What does the author say about the meaning of a better sacrifice of Christ? Why did Jesus have to appear once for all at the culmination of the ages? (26-28; Rom 6:23a; 2Cor 5:10; Rev 21:8) What does it mean that the blood of Jesus’ sacrifice does away with and take away sin? How does the purpose of Christ’s second coming differ from his first and to whom does he appear to bring salvation? (28; Mt 25:31,32)
* Perfect Sanctification through Jesus’ offer once for all (10:1-18)
In what way is the law only a shadow of the good things to come? (1-4) Which sacrifice pleased God? (5-8) How did Jesus fulfill the will of God? (9,10) What does it mean that Jesus has made the sanctified men perfect forever? (11-14) What does the expression “once for all” teach about the sacrifice of Jesus? (9,10,14,18) What does the Holy Spirit testify to us through the one sacrifice of Jesus?