1 Peter 2:11-25
Key Verses: 2:24
“ ‘He himself bore our sins’ in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’ ”
How did Peter remind Christians of their status in the world (11a)? What essential things did he urge them to do (11-12a)? How would God use their good deeds (12b)?
2. What attitude should Christians have toward human authority, and why (13-15)? How should they use their freedom (16; Gal 5:13)? What should characterize their relationships with people in general, believers, God and the emperor (leader) (17)?
3. How should Christian slaves/ employees serve their masters/ employers, including those who are harsh (18-19)? How could they do that? What credit is given to those who do good and bear unjust suffering (19-20a)?
4. Read verses 20b-21. What is commendable before God (20b)? When suffering for doing good, what should Christians remember, and how should we respond (21)? How does Jesus’ example motivate us to do this (22-23; Ro 12:19)?
5. Read verses 24-25. What did Jesus uniquely do for us through his suffering (24)? Why did Jesus do this for us (25)? How does Jesus’ substitutionary suffering transform believers and enable us to abstain from sinful desires and do good?