Acts 1:1–2:47
Key Verse: 1:8

I. Jesus’ Plan for World Mission Through His Disciples (1:1–26)

1. What is the content of the author’s former book? (1, Lk 23–24) What did the Risen Jesus do during the 40 days after His resurrection? (3–5) What exhortation, promise, and mission did Jesus give to His disciples? (6–8) What remarkable plan did Jesus reveal for all people, especially for His disciples and us? (6–8; Mt 28:18–20; Mk 16:15–16) Where and why did Jesus go? (Jn 16:7)



2. What did the disciples do after Jesus’ ascension? (10–12) Who gathered there, and what did they do?(13-14) What can we learn from them in preparing to receive the Holy Spirit? What issues did Peter address, and how did they resolve it? (15-26)


II. The Pentecost Miracle and the First Church (2:1–47)

3. What was the significance of the Day of Pentecost? (1; Lev 23:15–21; Dt 16:9–12)

What happened when the Holy Spirit came? (2–4) How was the power of the Holy Spirit manifested through the disciples? (4b-11) Who was staying in Jerusalem and how did they respond? (5,12-13)




4. How did Peter explain about the work of the Holy Spirit? (14–21) What did Peter testify about Jesus, and what conclusion did he draw? (22-36) How did Peter help those who were convicted of their guilt by his message? (37-41) What does it mean that Jesus is Lord and Messiah? (Gal 2:20) What were the characteristics of the first church in Jerusalem? (41–47)

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