
Matthew 6:1-15

Key Verse: 9

This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, …’”

  1. What does Jesus warn about “practicing your righteousness” (1)? What obvious righteous practices did Jesus use for examples (2,5,16)? Before whom should we practice our righteousness and why (1b,4b,6b,18)?


  1. What did Jesus teach us not to do when giving to the needy, and why (2)? How should we give to the needy, and why (3-4)?


  1. How do hypocrites pray, and what reward do they receive (5)? How does Jesus want us to pray in contrast with hypocrites and pagans (6-8)?


  1. Read verse 9. To whom does Jesus teach us to address our prayer and why is this important? What are the first petitions that Jesus teaches us to pray and what do each mean (9b-10)?


  1. What petitions regarding our needs did Jesus teach (11-13)? What do Jesus’ words “us, we, our” indicate about prayer? Why should we bring our need for bread, forgiveness and deliverance to our Father God? Why is it so important to forgive and to be forgiven (14-15)?



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