
Daniel             5:1-6:28

Key Verse       6:10



* Belshazzar’s Arrogance and God’s Judgment (5:1-31)


  1. Who was Belshazzar? In what way did he commit a serious sin against God? (1-4) What revealed the reaction of the king about his limitation of human reign? (5-9)  What does the report of the queen mother say about Daniel’s influence? (10-12)  What do you learn from Daniel through his attitude toward the king’s reward and request? (16b,17)
  1. What should Belshazzar have seen and experienced through the story of his father? (18-21) Why did he commit the same sin anyway? (22,23; 1Sam 13:12,13)  What does God demonstrate through the fingers of a human hand? (25-28)  What is the meaning of being found wanting before God? (30; 1Sam 2:3)  What were the tragic consequences of Belshazzar’s life?


* Daniel‘s Faithful Prayer and God’s Rescue (6:1-28)


  1. In what way was Daniel exalted by the king? (1-3) What intrigue did the satraps and administrators have against Daniel? (4-9)  How and with what faith was Daniel able to live his prayer life continuously despite the life-threatening situation? (10)  What do you learn of the nature of faith from Daniel’s faithful prayer life?  Why was he charged and punished? (11-18)
  1. Which wonderful scene did the king see, when he came to the lion’s den? (19-22) What did Daniel testify about his God in the midst of hardships?  What testimony did the king give about the God of Daniel? (25-27)  How did God bless Daniel’s faith?