Matthew 2:1-12
Key Verse 2:6
“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.”
1. Read verses 1-2. Where did the wise men (Magi) come from? Who were they looking for? Why? Where did they go? Why? What do these verses tell us about Jesus and the wise men?
2. Read verses 3-4. How did Herod and all Jerusalem respond to their queries? Why was Herod so disturbed? What did he do? What was the purpose of his Bible study?
3. Read verses 5-6. What did the words of the prophet Micah teach about Jesus?
In what way does he resemble King David? (2Sa 5:2) How is Jesus a shepherd for his people? (Jn 10:11,14; Mk 6:34)
4. Read verses 7-8. What information did King Herod get from the wise men? How did he try to make use of them? How did he lie to them? (16) How did God
protect them? (12)
5. Read verses 9-10. What happened on their way to Bethlehem? What was their
reaction? What was the source of their joy?
6. Read verses 11-12. Upon finding him, what did they do? Why was it so
important to them to find and worship Jesus? What does this tell us about Jesus? What can we learn from the wise men?