Peter Kim
April 25, 2024
Revelation 21:1 – 22:21
Key Verse 21:7
* The New Jerusalem (21:1 – 22:5)
- What did John see after the last judgment? (1.2) What does it mean that God’s dwelling place is among the people? (3.4) How do the “new heaven” and the “new Jerusalem” differentiate themselves from the “first heaven” and the “first earth” with regard to God’s relationship to humanity? (4) Who is the one who makes everything new? (5.6) Who will inherit the New Jerusalem and who will not? (7.8; 3:5)
- Who is the bride of the Lamb? (9.10) Describe the Holy City! (11-21) What habitual things are no longer necessary in the new Jerusalem? (22-27) Who will enter the new Jerusalem? (27; 22:3.4) What do the “water of life” and the “tree of life” reveal about God’s kingdom? (Gen 1:27.28; Gen 2:9-14; Gen 3:24) What role will those who inherit the new heaven take? (22:1-5)
* Jesus is coming soon – “Maranata!” (22:6-21)
- Why is the revelation trustworthy and true? (6.16) How did the angel help John, who was overwhelmed by the visions? (8.9) What does Jesus repeatedly say and why? (1:3; 22:7.12.20) How does Jesus encourage the believers? ( What names does Jesus bear, and how do they point to his second coming? (13.16)
- How is Jesus’ invitation spread to all people by the bride? (17) How does God warn everyone who hears the words of Jesus’ prophecy? (18.19) What attitude can we have towards the words of Jesus? How does Jesus confirm all his words? (20) What was John’s ultimate hope and confidence? (20.21) How can we wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus?