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New Jersey UBF


God is coming to take us to the new heaven


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Revelation 21:1 – 22:21

Key Verse 21:3


And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.

I. The new Jerusalem (21:1 – 22:5)


1. After the final judgment, what did John see and hear?(1-4) How is “a new heaven and a new earth” different from “the first heaven and the first earth”? What are God’s promises for “those who are victorious” and warnings against the evildoers? (5-8) What can we learn about God’s heart toward believers? (2,5, 9,19:7, Gen 17:7-8)


2. Describe the Holy City and its measurements – its wall, gates, foundations, and street.(9-21) What are the things that are missing in the city and what do these absences tell about the Holy city?(5, 22-27) Who can enter the City?(27,22:3-4) Describe “the river of water of life” and “the tree of life.” What do these tell about God, His redemptive work, and Heaven? (Gen2:9-14, Gen3:24)

II. Jesus is coming soon (22:6-21)


3. Why is the Revelation of John trustworthy and true?(6,16)  How does the angel help John be overwhelmed? (8-9) What and why does Jesus repeatedly say? (7,12, 20) How does Jesus encourage the believers? (7,10,12,14) What names does Jesus bear and how are they related to his coming?(13, 16) 



4. What is the invitation of Jesus and how is this invitation spread through the bride? (17) How does God warn everyone who hears the words?(18-19) What attitude should we have toward Jesus’ words? How did Jesus confirm his testimony? (20) What was John’s ultimate hope and longing and what does that tell us how we should live while waiting for the Lord’s coming?(20-21)

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