You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God

L4 Matthew 16 Worksheet

Matthew 16:14-20

Key Verse: 16:16 “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’”


I. You are the Messiah (Matt 16:14-20)

1. Read verses 13-14. Where did Jesus and his disciples go? What factual and objective question did Jesus ask his disciples? What was their answer and what does this mean?


2. Read verses 15-16. What second question did Jesus ask? How is this question different from the first one? What was Simon Peter’s confession? (16) How could he make such a confession? (17) How important is it to know and confess Jesus as the Christ (Rom. 10:9)?


3. Read verses 18-20. What prophetic promise did Jesus make? What is the rock on which Jesus would build his church? What is Jesus’ sure promise of victory over Satan? What are the keys of the kingdom about which Jesus speaks?


II. New Covenant (LK 22:14-20)

4. What did Jesus want (14,15)? Why (16)? What does this word mean for us today?


5. Why did Jesus tell the disciples to share the wine (17-18)? What does Jesus say when he breaks bread and gives it to his disciples (19)? What does ‘remember me’ mean?


6. What meaning did Jesus give to wine (20)? What does the new covenant established by blood mean? What does this mean for us today?