
Lecture 1  L1 God and Man_Worksheet

God and Man

Genesis 1-2

Key verse 1:1, 28

 1) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

28) So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he create them; male and female he created them.


1. Read verses 1-2. Memorize 1:1. Think about the meaning and significance of this verse 1. What was the state of things before God spoke? (2) What do these verses tell about God and all things? (102:25-27, Isa44:24) 












2 . Read verse 3-25. What does God created on the first(3-5), the second(6-8) and the third day(9-13)? What does God create the fourth (14-19), the fifth(20-23), and the sixth day(24-31)? What do these six days of creation tell us about God?
















3. Find repeated words and phrases. What do each of these teach about God and His creation? (Heb11:2, Ps33:6-9, Jn1:1-3) –example:[ God said…] [God saw that it was good] [according to its various kinds…] [God called…]
















4. Read verses 26-27. What do these tell about man’s design, purpose, nature, and relationship with God? Read verses 28-31. How did God bless mankind? What do the God’s blessings teach about God’s creation of mankind? What does it mean that God created man in his own image (27) and he said, “it was very good.” (31)? What does God do on the seventh day? (2:1-3)






















5. Read verses 2:4-7. How did God create man? What is man’s source of life and value? Read verses 2:8-15. What did God provide for Man’s happiness? Read verses 16-17. Why do you think God gave his command?  What does this command teach about freedom, life, death?




















6.  Read verses 18-25. What did God say about man’s situation?  What does this show about God’s love for and understanding of man? Describe how God created the woman. For what did God create the woman? Read verses 24-25. What is the significance of “the two being united and becoming one” and “felt no shame”? What is the purpose of the family which God created and established?  



















Statement of Belief.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe

I believe

I believe

I Beleive