Lesson 3
L3 Disciples’ Privilege and Role
The Disciples’ Roles and Privileges
Mark 4:1-20 (Luke 8:4-18)
Key Verse 4:14
“The farmer sows the word.”
Who sow seeds (1-20)
Read 1-9. Where and how did Jesus teach the crowds? According to the parable of the sower, how do the results vary depending on where the seeds fall?
10-13. What was the attitude of the disciples towards learning from Jesus’ teachings? (10) Who is privileged to receive the secret of the kingdom? (11,13) How did Jesus challenge his listeners? (3a, 9, 11b-12) Therefore, what attitude is needed to learn from Jesus?
3. Read 14-20. What does ‘the farmer sows the word” teach about the nature of the work of God? What do the seed, the sower, and the soil represent? How is the word like a seed? Consider the unfruitful fields. What problem does each of the unfruitful soils have? (15-19) Then, what struggles and repentance are needed for each to bear fruit in this context?
4. Why could the good soil produce a hundredfold harvest? (20) What is the fundamental purpose of proclaiming the Word? In this context, what is the significance of the disciples’ existence and how did Jesus illustrate the limitless potential of growth and bearing fruit in the lives of the disciples?
5. In this context, what are the privileges, the meaning and purpose of their existence of the disciples? What is Jesus’ spiritual vision through the disciples? Reflect deeply on the secret of the kingdom of heaven and the privileges and roles of the disciples.